Ziqi Li

I’m a designer, dreamer, and nature enthusiast. My love for art and design shapes the work that I do.

This is a project that explores the charm of language and displays the strong emotions contained in it.Words can often evoke a form of memory that takes you back to a particular moment, a place, a relationship, a feeling, and the language itself becomes the subject of love. The past and present of language make love transcend the boundaries of time.

In life, we often encounter challenges and make errors, leading us to struggle expressing ourselves. We may feel overwhelmed by the chaos, but eventually, we navigate our way through and find our path.

In the previous environment, what the poet saw was a fairyland-like environment under natural water vapor. But now, with rising global temperatures and industrial pollution, we see no longer plant-scented fog after rain but poisonous gases produced by various chemicals. It is hoped that the design of this poster can arouse the public’s attention to the deterioration of the natural environment and prevent humans from eventually disappearing from the smog they generate.

Xingyi Candy Secret Script Series is not just a candy; it’s a journey into Tai Chi. With each sweet indulgence, users are invited to explore the graceful movements and philosophy of Tai Chi, seamlessly blending physical nourishment with mental enrichment.