Jiaru Chen

I’m a designer, dreamer, and nature enthusiast. My love for art and design shapes the work that I do.

Designed posters and other peripherals for hip-hop festivals to bring people who love hip-hop together and enjoy the music!

Rhythm is like the subtle vibration of a harp string, a dancing melody between words further reflected in the minutiae of life. Each word acts as a note, leaping on the page, and creating a unique rhythm. Like beats in a musical composition, rhythm breathes life into existence, animating stories and resonating emotions.

From the Panopticon, the police are the center, visible to the surrounding prisoners. In modern life, people are connected via the Internet and outsiders watch people Posting videos or live streaming through screens. Comment on others collectively by Posting comments and liking them. So, we made the immersive space with the theme of peep.

Project 4: I am text block. Click edit button to change this text.