Zhenze Yao

I am a graphic designer. I like to observe life very much, and I like to solve various problems in life through design. I think that design originates from life, and design also serves life.

Project 1: Wheel of Hope
Nowadays, young people are more and more easily defeated by setbacks in life. This situation is called “learned helpless”, which is a special psychological suggestion. Therefore, I designed this installation to inspire people and let them regain confidence in life.

Project 2: Integration
The project combines the paper-cut art of traditional Chinese culture with the 26 letters of English to realize the creative design of cultural integration. The project allows overseas Chinese to feel their hometown and gain cultural identity even in a different cultural environment.

Project 3: Passense
This is an Idle items rental platform based on spiritual needs. Residents with idle items need to register basic information about the items on the platform and set rent. young workers in big cities who don’t have extra money to meet their spiritual needs can rent items on this platform.

Project 4: Unavoidable Future
Nowadays, more and more animals are endangered. Many species are left on the earth as single sex individuals, unable to reproduce through natural means. Such species “unavoidable” awaits the extinction of the race. Through this project, we hope to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and speak up for animals.