I’m a designer, dreamer, and nature enthusiast. My love for art and design shapes the work that I do.
Xiaoyang Chen

Project 1 Offspring Oasis
Furniture manufacturing based on speculative design themes. In the future, declining birth rates leading to negative population growth prompt the government to establish human production factories. Select young individuals with superior genes are chosen to enter these factories to reproduce. Males and females sit on chairs in specific positions, and mating is facilitated through the chairs’ adjustable heights, thus producing offspring to address the crisis.
Project 2 Parenting Market
Product manufacturing based on speculative design themes. Continuing the concept of the Offspring Oasis project, babies produced in factories are placed into life-support devices and sent to adoption centers for adoption. Users can choose the type of baby they wish to adopt. The device’s labels display information about the baby and instructions for care after adoption.
Project 3 Covenant Habor
Marriage conception based on the theme of speculative design. Marriage will be given a new form and meaning in this region. The object of marriage is no longer limited to people, but can be everything loved. Examples include avatars, animals, products, etc. Sign a contract with an expiration date, which can be renewed or rematched as needed.
Project 4 OUD Scooter
To design a driverless mobility scooter for the elderly in the future, the purpose of this vehicle is to facilitate the daily life of the elderly, such as shopping, visiting relatives, socializing.